Daniel Reich is the man responsible for turning the Hotel Chelsea's Grand Ballroom into an artists salon. Each week, Daniel and curator Dean Daderko, play host to some of the city's edgiest art events. And, best of all, the events are free.
What Do You Do?
I have a young gallery on Twenty-Third Street between 10th and 11th. The website is: www.danielreichgallery.com. Its been doing quite well. There should also be lots of junk about us if you google Daniel Reich Gallery.
How Long Have You Lived At The Chelsea?
I’ve lived in Chelsea since 2000 I think. I like it, but I got a bit bored of it and the Hotel Chelsea was a more interesting mix.
What Inspired You To Move Into The Chelsea?
Well, I wanted to move because I’d been mugged in my other apartment and I walked in and Stanley said come right up I know your gallery we have a room for you. A lot of stuff works out fatefully in my life I guess and by luck. I’m a sagittarius which is supposed to be the sign of luck. Strangely my parents met outside the Chelsea.
Do You Think That There Is A Creative Energy In The Chelsea?
Yes definitely. It's much more fun than the rest of Chelsea and everything is more unpredictable. There are always surprises.
How Has Living In The Chelsea Affected Your Creative Development?
Well, I think it’s been good. I like the people who work here. It takes me about two years to settle into a place so I still need to get a bed. I have lots of books by my bed to read, but it’s always hard for an art dealer to read.
Have Other Creative People at the Chelsea Or Elsewhere Influenced Your Creative Development? Well, I’m not sure, but I like the memories and ghosts of people here. Supposedly Larry Rivers used to live in my apt so there is green paint all over the tub. Also the hotel in the sixties is a big influence and I like having all the art around. I like having Renee around talking about stuff. It’s always funny to look into other apts and see what bits of Stanley everyone ended up with.
Who Is The Most Famous Person You've Ever Ridden With In The Elevator?
Well I guess maybe Ethan Hawke.
What Is The Best/Worst Thing That Has Ever Happened To You At The Chelsea?
Well I like it when my lights go out. It’s kind of a morning drama when the person next door is using the hair dryer and my lights go out and I go downstairs in my pajamas to complain and everyone at the desk is mad. I kind of like disasters of any sort.
Has Anyone Famous Lived In Your Room?
Well someone said Bryan Adams and Larry Rivers, but I’m not sure.
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