I just finished reading an article in The NY Times about Rock-and-Roll Hotels – you know, hotels where rock bands stay and throw TVs out the windows and such. I didn’t even think they were going to mention the Chelsea – and of course I was outraged – and then when they finally did it was only to imply that the building where the Dead and the Airplane partied was no longer a rock-and-roll hotel!
Apparently, a band called “Metric” chose the Hotel Rivington – a glass and steel monstrosity that sticks out like a sore thumb on the Lower East Side – over our proudly anarchic establishment. Rock stars are people with aspirations, you see, no longer tolerant of grunge or disorder. They want high speed internet and a workout room.
Well, who the hell ever heard of “Metric” anyway! Suddenly the Hotel that was home to Jimi & Janis is no longer good enough. Wimp rockers! Who comes to your concerts? Nine-year-old girls? Your band is barred from the hotel now anyway! No hotel rocks more than the Chelsea. (Ed Hamilton)
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