Check out this recent review of the Chelsea. This lady thinks we need a good scrubbing. Doesn’t she know that bohemians are supposed to be dirty? She also remarks that the place smells “like all different people’s dinner cooking at once.” The reason for this is because artists still live and work here, and, not being quite divine, have to eat once in a while.
Judging from the photo of her room, she should thank her lucky stars, as she was the recipient of an increasingly rare gift. This is one of the last of the unrenovated transient rooms left in the hotel! A lot of them now look like something out of a W or other boutique hotel. She was provided with the ultimate in Bohemian tourism. But she didn’t appreciate it. She tore that splendid comforter right off the bed! Hey, Stanley, don’t ever let her back in the hotel! She wants to strip the 120 layers of paint from the woodwork! Aiieee!!!! -- Ed Hamilton
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