Steve Dior, who played with Sid in a band called the Idols, has come up with a new theory about Nancy's murder. He says a drug dealer from New Jersey did it. But is that the same person as Rocket's Redglare? We've heard the theory that Rocket's did it, but we thought he lived in the East Village. Dior doesn't name names.
Another interesting contentious is that Nancy was killed with a "switch knife" which I assume is what we yanks call a switchblade -- that Dior found, together with a bottle of mercury, in a new apartment he had moved into. All the other accounts I've read say that Nancy was killed with Sid's hunting knife, which he apparently bought from a store right before the killing.
Since Dior was speaking at a launch party for Alan Parker's new bio of Sid (his 3rd effort) we can't help but be suspicious that this is just a play to generate press for the book. But we'd love to talk to Dior. So if you're out there Steve, shoot us an e-mail and maybe we can interview you for the blog.
-- Ed Hamilton
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