One of our fellow Bohemians recently alerted us that “manager” Glennon Travis called the police because he imagined that someone was smoking pot in the hallway. Reportedly, the cops showed up but didn’t consider the situation life threatening and left without doing anything. (I hope they expressed their annoyance to Glennon for wasting their time.)
With all of the responsibilities involved in running a large hotel, our question is: Doesn’t Glennon have anything better to do than hassle people? We also hear that he's got time to patrol the halls looking for unattended animals. If Glennon wants to put on his Sherlock Holmes hat (better skip the pipe), maybe he can solve the mystery of who’s been swiping pieces of our famous staircase.
Glennon’s Gestapo tactics are an outrage, to say the least, since the Chelsea has always been a bastion of the live-and-let-live attitude. People come from around the world to breathe the Chelsea’s famous “air” of freedom. I wonder how beach bum Glennon would like it if we took his margaritas away from him? If we find out where you can purchase that tee-shirt, we'll let you know. You may be able to add other slogans such as "Animal Patrol" or "Why Does Everybody Hate Me?" Ed Hamilton
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