A tribute to our favorite tackle shop, Capitol—an early casualty in the war between the Chelsea Hotel and the BD usurpers—appears in last Sunday’s issue of The Independent. Thanks to Keith Elliott for keeping the issue in the news, and for pointing out that Capitol’s customers might just as well include tattooed weirdoes and 6-feet women—no doubt from the Chelsea—as actual anglers. (The weirdest was no doubt the Sultan of Brunei—I wonder if he stopped in to ask Stanley about the rates.) I’m also glad to see that he notes that Capitol has successfully relocated—to a spot near Macy’s at 132 West 36 Street>—hopefully putting this whole distasteful Chelsea nonsense behind them. Good for them. Too bad the rest of us can’t do the same.
Elliot does make a couple of mistakes, however. For one, he says that the acupuncture shop, as well as other unnamed shops, were forced out. Actually, the acupuncture shop is still there; the only two storefronts that are vacant were both part of Capitol, which is thus far the only store that has actually been forced out. (We have heard plenty of rumors, however, as to what BD plans for the other spaces—acupuncture, guitar and tattoo parlors don’t seem to figure in their plans. But we are keeping our fingers crossed and hoping for the best.) -- Ed Hamilton
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